Music Video: Valerie Blur Metaphysics with Shoegaze on ‘Twin Flames’

The latest video from Valerie digs into the metaphysical: exploring concepts beyond the empirical and deep into the spiritual with “Twin Flames.”

“Twin Flame is the spiritual idea that when you reach such a high level of consciousness in one life, that your soul splits in two. This leaves two halves of one soul searching to reunite,” explains Palmer Jamieson, Valerie’s guitarist and vocalist.

Jamieson says that the bones of the song were lifted from a demo that he and guitarist Shawn McNally I had worked on in 2012.

“We had a hard drive full of demos, but this was salvaged and reworked mostly because I didn’t want Shawn’s guitar parts to die on a hard drive.”

Valeria took seven years to finesse the topic with a gently chirping guitar pleasantly reminiscent of Deerhunter’s 2010 indie psychedelic hit “Desire Lines.” “Twin Flames” represents some of the best early 90’s shoegaze that perennially pops its head up.

With a video produced by  At Land, we’re treated to a blunt yin-yang metaphor wrapped in something more abstract; perhaps the primordial urge to reconnect with our lizard brain and return to the oceans.

“It’s truly about the search to become whole,” says Jamieson, “it’s not allowing external influences to lead you astray and that you posses everything you require to be whole. It’s influenced by the esoteric theory that ‘twin flames’ are one soul that has been split in two. The two halves need to be reunited to become whole.

“I think we’ve all experience that panic of not feeling whole or not understanding who we are. Your first experience of being self-aware shouldn’t be a comfortable experience because you have to acknowledge what you are not. Similarly becoming whole shouldn’t be filling a void with things or people, it’s acceptance of everything you are. It was the realization that nothing external is able to complete you. I think it’s convoluted, to be honest.”