All posts by Steve MacIntyre

Adyn Townes Holds Your Hand Through the Heartbreak on ‘In Frames’

It’s been put forth that the mark of a good song is one that you can strum on an acoustic guitar. It’s a song that feels familiar structurally, and checks off the boxes harmonically; one you can sing in the shower and might find yourself whistling at the grocery store.

Of course, we don’t need to tell Adyn Townes what a good song is. He’s a five-time International Songwriting Competition finalist, an ECMA nominee, and the winner of Music New Brunswick’s SOCAN song of the year award.

Now, he has set out to show us all why. His full-length album, In Frames, comes with much anticipation. With recognition comes responsibility, and Townes rises admirably to the challenge. Continue reading Adyn Townes Holds Your Hand Through the Heartbreak on ‘In Frames’

Thomas McCallum Releases ‘Many a Long Hour’ in the Hopes That You’ll Have the Time

Thomas McCallum isn’t concerned with making you dance. He’d rather tell you a tale. He’d rather make you think. In a world where dancing is all but outlawed he finds himself in comfortable territory; a story in his heart and a song on his lips.

McCallum’s latest release, Many a Long Hour, sees him sitting quietly with his acoustic guitar; contemplating life with the slow, measured ease he has become known for. His 2014 EP, Crocus Song, was the perfect precursor for his full-length debut; picking up the story where McCallum left it off, but as they say, “There’s no use getting older if you’re not getting wiser.” This album shows us that Thomas McCallum has taken that advice to heart. Continue reading Thomas McCallum Releases ‘Many a Long Hour’ in the Hopes That You’ll Have the Time

Halifax Rock Trio Diamond City Shine Bright on Debut Album ‘Therapy’

There are really only three things to consider when talking about diamonds. Heat, pressure, and time. There is far more to consider however when talking about Halifax’s Diamond City. The year-old rock trio brings so many elements to its debut album Therapy that you might have better luck mining an actual diamond than covering it all. Continue reading Halifax Rock Trio Diamond City Shine Bright on Debut Album ‘Therapy’

With ‘Folk for Little Folk’ Gordie MacKeeman Reminds Us What It Is to Be a Kid

With the last days of summer licking at our shores, scores of parents are getting ready to send the kids back to school; packing away the summer clothes and camping gear, and wondering to themselves what they are going to do to keep the little ones entertained as the days get shorter, and conditions for outdoor activities become less favourable. Continue reading With ‘Folk for Little Folk’ Gordie MacKeeman Reminds Us What It Is to Be a Kid