Daysick Venture into the Territory of Dante’s Inferno for ‘Good Riddance’

Lunenburg Country Alternative Rock trio Daysick have released a follow-up to their debut single “Retry” in a way that suggests we might ultimately be looking at a concept. Where “Retry” describes a character reaching a rather disappointing and unexpected end of their life, Daysicks’ new single, “Good Riddance” goes even further over the cusp of death.

It’s one thing to have death knocking at your door and to consider, just perhaps, you might have done a few things differently. Could you have seen more of the world? Volunteered occasionally? Learned another language? Eaten more vegetables? Absolutely, you could have. But there inevitably gets to be a point of no return, and that’s where we find ourselves on Daysick’s  “Good Riddance.”

At some point, the time for a balanced diet and exercise will have passed. Your good works and otherwise will have been etched into eternity and you’re going to have Ralph Edwards there, ready with the retrospective. The character from Daysick’s new single finds himself in just this scenario and recognizes he doesn’t really like what he’s looking at.

“The character is in the midst of transitioning from life to death and begins to reflect back on the person he was during his life,” explains vocalist and guitarist Logan Steeves.

“He begins to realize how much he disliked that person he was, and how his poor mental health, insecurities, and inner demons caused him to turn into someone he never thought he’d become. He begins to look forward to moving on to his next chapter as he realizes that when he dies, the demons and illnesses within him will die too. The character then proceeds to say goodbye and ‘good riddance’ to that person that’s about to die, realizing he didn’t even want to continue being that same person, as he felt it wasn’t even really him.”

It’s a bit of a post-mortem mulligan by being allowed to shrug off your regrets as your shuffle off this mortal coil, nonetheless, it’s an interesting concept that, hopefully, Daysick takes more time to explain.