Tag Archives: Nova Scotia

Barn Bhreagh – How Keith Mullins Turned from Touring Musician to Producer for Three Cape Breton Musicians

East Coast Music Award-winning artist Keith Mullins has shown us a classic example of what to do when life gives you lemons; you hunker down in your backyard and construct a barn for your fledgling recording studio. Today we’re seeing the fruits of his labour, with the release of not just one, but three albums under the umbrella of Barn Bhreagh. Continue reading Barn Bhreagh – How Keith Mullins Turned from Touring Musician to Producer for Three Cape Breton Musicians

Century Egg’s New Album ‘Little Piece of Hair’ Just Wants Us to Come Out of Our Shells

Think of an egg—an archetypal, wonderfully oval chicken egg. We see this as a singular object, but it’s composed of such vastly different and symbiotic parts. The firm yet fragile shell, holding its iconic shape or transforming into something jagged. The aether-like albumen that swirls within the space. And the core of it all, the yolk, is a glorious dot of radiance ready to emerge. It is hard not to think of this fantastically unique entity in listening to Century Egg’s vibrant new EP Little Piece of Hair, where the Halifax rockers are shining with the same juxtaposition and cohesion as their namesake. Continue reading Century Egg’s New Album ‘Little Piece of Hair’ Just Wants Us to Come Out of Our Shells

Mary Beth Carty Crafts a Modern Day Rosetta Stone with ‘Mo Mhathair’

“It’s pronounced ‘Mo Vaaaaair’,’ Mary Beth Carty emphasizes of her new Scottish Gaelic single, “Mo Mhathair,” meaning “My Mother.” No stranger to working in both French and English (not to mention a certain fluency in accordion, which seems to be a language all of its own), Carty has crafted a modern-day Rosetta Stone just in time for both  Mother’s Day and Gaelic Awareness Month in Nova Scotia. Continue reading Mary Beth Carty Crafts a Modern Day Rosetta Stone with ‘Mo Mhathair’

Nap Eyes Put Their Own Spin the Joyous Cacophony of Green Day’s ‘When I Come Around’

Nap Eyes have pronounced their love for Green Day once again, and put their money with their mouth is with a cover of “When I Come Around.” For frontman Nigel Chapman, it’s a dream come true with video directed by Margarita Brighton in which Nigel transforms himself into a pop-punk caricature… but it’s conducted with such a perfect fluency in the culture that it’s hard to spot the joke. This goes beyond homage and well into the territory of competing on the level with the original. Continue reading Nap Eyes Put Their Own Spin the Joyous Cacophony of Green Day’s ‘When I Come Around’

Kristen Martell Works with Dan Ledwell and Gabrielle Papillon for an Optimistic but Mysterious ‘Photograph of Secrets’

Kristen Martell has come a long way since getting back into songwriting. The Mahone Bay musician reconnected with her long-buried talent in 2018—put off by years of all the flotsam and jetsam that comprise a life—to more recently being tapped by award-winning producer Dan Ledwell (Jenn Grant, The Fortunate Ones, Rachel Beck) and the similarly lauded Gabrielle Papillon for great things. Working with Martell on her dreamy new single, “Photograph of Secrets.” the trio weaves a story that is equal parts mystery and optimism and it sounds like a huge step forward. Continue reading Kristen Martell Works with Dan Ledwell and Gabrielle Papillon for an Optimistic but Mysterious ‘Photograph of Secrets’