Tag Archives: Francophone

Music Video: Les Hay Babies Power Up Their Time Machine with ‘Same Old, Same Old’

With the release of the second single off their upcoming album, Boîte aux lettres, Les Hay Babies have dropped a new music video that launches viewers back to the mid 1960s. Also functioning as the album’s namesake, this song pays tribute to every Acadian mother whose daughter has moved away from home.

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New Music: Menoncle Jason Outgrows His Roots in ‘La grosse piastre’

Mononcle Jason’s newest release, La grosse piastre, is first and foremost an Acadian concept album. Coming three years after his full-length debut, Dans son prime, this new album outlines some of the realities of living the small-town lifestyle and why Menoncle Jason has chosen to leave it behind. Continue reading New Music: Menoncle Jason Outgrows His Roots in ‘La grosse piastre’