New Music: Indie Dream Pop Gets a Night Out While Sorrey’s ‘In Full Bloom’ Gets Remixed

Left isolated from one another in their respective confines this past spring due to worldwide circumstances with no regard for people’s health, let alone musical endeavours, PEI’s Sorrey found a way to scratch their creative itch.

“I’d never really done remixes before,” notes Colin Buchanan, who’s been trusted with production since the band’s early days. “Em’s voice just seems to lend itself so well to dance music and I thought it would be a fun challenge to reimagine things and create a different vibe.”

The resulting reimagining of five songs from the group’s 2019 full-length debut In Full Bloom infuses the dreamy indie rock tunes with a more dance-based vibe and further showcases lead singer and namesake Emilee Sorrey’s standout vocal talents – an impressive feat, as they were far from kept secret. Her vocals can capture and gently grip the listener, leaving you mesmerized and seamlessly floating from song to song.

The band mirrors the debut album by leading off with “Baby”; this song perhaps best emphasizes the shift in tone that can be achieved through adjusting instrumentals. In its original form, the song was a heartfelt plea to another that they should stay away from you for their own good. Its intro still evokes that, but as it breaks into the full spectrum of the updated backing it seems as if Emilee’s vocals are almost taunting or even flirtatiously daring a prospective partner to take the chance, despite knowing all too well it’s not good for them.

There remains a subtle subdued element not necessarily contrasting the dance stylings, but more so lending the set context. These are not songs for the point in the night where the beat drops and everyone goes wild; these are for when you have decided to go out with friends, seeking a reprieve from whatever (or whoever) is wearing you down. The music is excellent and there is plenty to draw your attention and distinguish the new versions, but it never overwhelms or forces the party too much.