Tag Archives: Blue Roof Distillers

Potatoes To Potent Potables – New Brunswick Farmers Produce New Vodka Line

Potatoes. God bless those earthy little miracles. They’re responsible for crisps, and poutine, and preventing Jonathan Swift from committing mass infanticide. Even in its passing from one to plane of existence to the next it gives us one final miracle, eau-de-vie – vodka.

Fortunately New Brunswick is a land blessed in starchy tubers, and now is home to the first farm-to-bottle distillery in Atlantic Canada. The Strang Family farm has long been associated with the spudsy wonders. The 6th generation farm (4th generation potato farmers) in Maiden, New Brunswick turns out over 20 million lbs of table grade potatoes a year. Now as Blue Roof Distillers they’ve found a way to make better use of all those potatoes that don’t make the grade. Continue reading Potatoes To Potent Potables – New Brunswick Farmers Produce New Vodka Line