Single: Sound Drown Dive Headfirst Into the Complications and Endorphins of Friend-Love on ‘Here We Go’

However niche the pop-punk genre may be, Saint John’s very own Sound Drown has something that can cater to anyone’s ears. Slowly but surely this four-piece is taking over the scene, lately with one of their previous singles “Your Princess Is In Another Castle” and now the newly released “Here We Go”. Expecting to release their full album, Selfish Reasons, next month, we are happy to get a little taste of what is yet to come.

“Here We Go” dives into what it was like to be a teen and fall in love with a friend for the first time. It’s about all the emotions we feel as we hand over our hearts to another soul who we think will protect it. It’s the harrowing feeling when we know that this kind of love can be difficult and possibly destructive in the end.

“Here we go is all about reminiscing about the innocence of puppy love when times were more simplistic and you could afford irresponsibility,” explains vocalist Brandon Wiseman. “In my case, I wanted to share an age when I fell hopelessly in love with my best friend at the time, who after years, returned her feelings for me. I remember struggling with the duality of being a good friend and boyfriend, and, in turn, corrupted that relationship. But, that was forever ago.

“I think as nostalgic as it is to reflect on the good ‘ol days, it’s equally as important to accept that they’re only a product of their time. Looking back is a great way to fully grasp how far we’ve come as individuals, as it’s only indicative as to how far we can yet grow.”

With this single, Sound Drown draws comparisons to big names such as All Time Low and A Day To Remember, yet blended beautifully together to create something uniquely their own. The chorus is belt worthy and layered with whimsical female vocals provided by Arielle. The reverb on the guitar is notably polished which creates the illusion as if we are listening to this track in a large amphitheatre. But let’s be honest, every pop-punk band needs a catchy heartbreak duet song.

After three years of hard work, Sound Drown will finally be dropping their twelve track LP, so keep a lookout for this early Christmas present set to drop on December 4th.