Tag Archives: Fredericton

70 Things You Can Do With A Skateboard

Back in my day, the term ‘skateboarder’ was synonymous with ‘hooligan’. They were portrayed as ruffians, and law-breakers, and the bullies in every afterschool special. For every Marty McFly (who even then was a rather ambivalent agent of karma) there were ten Griff Tannens. But a couple of decades (and three awesome movies) later, skaters have shed that stigma. When one of their own passed away last year, they and the community came together to honor him with a memorial skate park. Continue reading 70 Things You Can Do With A Skateboard

A Tale Of Two Breweries: NB Nano-Brewery Brotherhood At Its Finest

Even before setting foot in the building, there’s a sweet smell of malt that engulfs the whole area, but inside the air is cut with a strong string of expletives. It’s the audible expression of a strict adherence to perfection. Today is first day of a collaboration between the Hammond River and Big Axe Brewing companies, and not everything has gone according to plan. Continue reading A Tale Of Two Breweries: NB Nano-Brewery Brotherhood At Its Finest

Wear Your Label: Cozy Couture and Mental Health Culture

There are many struggles in life; money, relationships, death, and the failures that sometimes come with taking risks. We all experience them. We all suffer because of them. Mental health issues are no exception. Wear Your Label, an up-and-coming fashion house in Fredericton, New Brunswick, is trying to create a new standard against the social stigmas that surround mental illness, and co-owners Kayley Reed and Kyle MacNevin have found a way to transform these struggles into a means of pride. This team has been breaking down stigmas one design after another with their mental health initiative. Kayley and Kyle have both experienced their own troubles with mental illness but are working to help others accept their labels and to dig deeper for the strength that comes from their experiences. Continue reading Wear Your Label: Cozy Couture and Mental Health Culture

The Fredericton Craft Beer Festival: Defining ‘Craft’

This Saturday marks the 3rd annual Craft Beer Festival taking place in Fredericton, New Brunswick. It’s a concentrated look at some of the remarkable craft beer that is being brewed in what is quickly becoming a booming category in the Maritimes and North America in general. With over 190 beers to try, from more than 45 breweries, half of which are from the Maritimes, the organizers felt it was important that festivalgoers not simply have an all-you-can-drink event, but an opportunity to get an education. It’s a chance to interact with the brewers to learn what their products are all about. Continue reading The Fredericton Craft Beer Festival: Defining ‘Craft’

Mark Chilton: Design In Translation

Taking the first step into Mark Chilton’s exhibit is like stepping into another world; figures draped in textured swaths hang from the ceiling, red balls of cloth and floral textiles suspended above their forms, disconnected from their bodies, while the photographic portrait of a man, a solitary male figure, stands adjacent: a humanistic pairing to the designs. This world is one that connects the viewer to an era that merged two times: the past, tradition and human creation, and the modern, edge and manufactured substances. Continue reading Mark Chilton: Design In Translation