Tag Archives: feature

Timber Lounge: Noise Complaints Lead To Music Getting The Axe

A rash of noise complaints has forced Halifax’s Timber Lounge to cancel most of its live music shows and is leaving two worker’s jobs hanging in the balance. As the result of three noise complaints the venue’s live music license, controlled by the Nova Scotia Liquor and Gaming Board, has been revoked.
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New Music: Brent Mason’s ‘High Water Mark’ Might Be His Best And Most Controversial Album

The painterly and textural artwork of Brent Mason’s new album High Water Mark looks like it could be the cover of a modal jazz re-release or the opening image to the latest cello suites by Yo-Yo Ma. However, it is inarguably a grassroots work of Maritime folk. The elegant and abstract wash of deep blues and greens sets the emotional queue for the album and the colour and feel of the music itself. It is a laid back and mellowed effort that genre hops with a gentle effortlessness, subtly bridging east coast fiddle music, country, bluegrass, rock, blues and, of course, folk sensibilities. Moving between upbeat head-shakers, ballads and slow-movers with ease, the tracks flow in and out between themselves almost seamlessly. It is clearly the thoughtful and intentional work of a musician who has matured in their efforts. With ten albums behind Brent Mason, one would hope to find nothing less. Continue reading New Music: Brent Mason’s ‘High Water Mark’ Might Be His Best And Most Controversial Album