All posts by Matt Hayes

Wolf Castle Secures His Hip Hop Throne With ‘Da Vinci’s Inquest’

New Brunswick’s hip hop stalwart, wunderkind, philanthropist (eat your heart out Tony Stark) Wolf Castle takes the spotlight by force on his latest release, Da Vinci’s Inquest, and dares anyone to try and take it back from him. Tristan Grant (government name) brings his well-known flair and flow to a new bevy of beats that with have you bobbing your head. Continue reading Wolf Castle Secures His Hip Hop Throne With ‘Da Vinci’s Inquest’

Levi Rowan’s ‘Self Loathing Narcissist’ Proves That, if Anything, He’s a Very Likeable Narcissist

Belleisle’s soon-to-be favourite son, Levi Rowan introduces himself with style and substance on his first proper full-length album, Self Loathing Narcissist. Levi explains that the title is more contradictory or ironic than any manner of glorification of what he acknowledges is a psychotic trait in narcissism. Continue reading Levi Rowan’s ‘Self Loathing Narcissist’ Proves That, if Anything, He’s a Very Likeable Narcissist

Tachichi’s ‘Gremmy Sip’ is the Perfect Album for an After Midnight Snack

A long-standing pillar of the Hali hip-hop scene returns with a slew of bars and beats that intertwine modern topics with a classic approach. The latest release from Tachichi bridges a 30-year gap with its gritty yet stylish production and flow. Gremmy Sip could seamlessly sit amidst the shelves of Music World in 1998 just as easily as it will settle into your Spotify playlist today. Continue reading Tachichi’s ‘Gremmy Sip’ is the Perfect Album for an After Midnight Snack

Adyn Townes Shows That He Isn’t Done With Writing Sad Love Songs With ‘In Frames 2B’

Adyn Townes continues to tease listeners in intervals leading up to his next full album release (late summer 2021) with In Frames 2B, a four-song EP that finds the talented NB songwriter observing the relationships of others and crafting portraits of meaningful moments and memories. Continue reading Adyn Townes Shows That He Isn’t Done With Writing Sad Love Songs With ‘In Frames 2B’