New Music: Cellarghost Releases New Single ‘Burial’

Fredericton’s Cellarghost are expecting to release their latest EP, Ritual later this month, but in the meantime they’ve squeaked out a couple singles. First with ‘Mothic’  on Monday, and today with ‘Burial’.

Naturally we’re all digging ourselves out right now, and the dark humour of the moment isn’t lost on the band. They’re having a good chuckle as we’re all being battered with storms that can no longer be labelled as freaks.

“Winters good for the same figurative ‘burial’, right?” says Colin Bonner playing on the fact that the twin heartbreakers of 2017’s Valentine’s Day have us clawing our way from an icy tomb, one many of us have yet to escape from. Winter has come, and for the next three months it will be an overbearing force on all of our lives. “You’re pretty well forced into isolation and into self reflection. It’s easy to get down on yourself and easy to stay that way.”

“This new EP has been a great release for that energy for us as a band. We wrote some of these songs in the summer, played them a couple times live and got to sit on them. We got serious about the new project when I came back from being away with my partner for a month. Wrote two more songs, revisited the ones we sat on. and it all started coming together. Worked on it all December and January. Even had to move some tracking days around because of how cold it got in our rehearsal spot. Learned a lot recording ourselves. Loads of fun.”

Cellarghost describe their sophomore release as a  “dreary combination of anthem and atmosphere [striking] a bleak new chord”, aiming for a long slow groove, and mellowing it with tolling bells. What the lyrics of ‘Burial’ spell out however, read like a modern Cask of Amontillado, with some unwelcome room mate being lured downward.

“Burial is about the things you try to keep down and how you keep them down,” says Bonner. “The song itself is repetitive and an odd kind of groovy. Beats shifting and whatnot,” says Bonner. “The kind of song that makes you march back and forth like one of the skeletons in Castlevania. Throwing bones everywhere.”

The Band will be performing around Southern New Brunswick later this month to promote the release. You can catch them at the following events:

25/02 Fredericton –The Wilser’s Room – Jane Blanchard & Ocean Charter of Values
28/02 – Taco Pica – Provincial Camps & Sour Smoke
03/03 – Sackville – Thunder and Lightning – Sadie & Sour Smoke
04/04 – Fredericton – Reads Cafe (ALL AGES) – Sour Smoke & Wrote