Vulva Culture (Jordan Blackburn)

Vulva Culture Releases EP In Series Of Videos

From Vulva Culture’s  September release, ‘In Vain’, Toronto film-maker Heather Rappard has produced a series of videos focusing on the sometimes gruesome, sometimes sensual, but ultimately mundane in-between moments of life.

The videos look at universal human experiences, examined up-close in pseudo gothic film noir. There are no explosions, no interactions, just a voyeur’s glimpse at the moments we undergo alone: brushing our teeth, fixing our hair, eating a sandwich. Typically unexciting, trivial tasks become awkward, and eerie; haunting in the way they echo the lyrics:

‘Can you see me/Can you feel me/Am I here at all?’

It’s an appropriately haunting aesthetic to accompany the four-piece band, whose bio states: “Vulva culture is a corpse of truly devastated Haligonian souls, who’ve together found beauty in their tears and wickedness in their blood; creating sounds of longing for love, with guitar effects laden in 6/8 time.” It’s only a little troubling that singer Amy Vinnedge describes the album as auto-biographical.

Check out the videos:

For more information visit Vulva Culture‘s Facebook page.